My favourite wrestling hold

I love a good challenge so one of my favourite wrestling holds is the full nelson. It’s practically impossible to escape from unless you’re heaps stronger than your opponent. If you’re lucky enough to be in front of a mirror, the full nelson stretches you out to display your body in all its glory too.


First draft done!

The first draft of my book is done and I’ve started on the second draft already.

They reckon when you’re writing a book, you should leave heaps of time between each draft so you can go back to it with a fresh set of eyes.

I couldn’t be f*cked waiting that long but life has a way of forcing us to do things (don’t I know it!). It took me more than a month to get back to it and then a few more weeks were added before I could seriously start writing again. Believe it or not, the advice was write (haha). The longer I left it the more ideas I had about how to tighten the prose and tweak the plot.

So there you go. I was hoping to have the second draft done by the end of this year but it looks like it’ll be sometime in January instead. That only puts me a couple of weeks behind my self-imposed schedule. I like a good challenge, so this is just another one of them.